in preparation for movember i've been dreaming up weird and wonderful ways i might don a mo. now i know that moustache glasses aren't the most innovative way i could have done this, but trial and error have taught me that they are the most flattering and least ridiculous way to spend a month wearing fake tashes:

basically i got reading glasses that were in the sale at primark (50p/£1 each), knocked out the lenses with a hammer, made moustache shapes out of felt and card and hung them from the glasses with chains. so far i have one evening pair- black glittery mo with glitzy glasses, and one for day time with flowery frames and a standard mo. you might have noticed the thin plastic moustache to the left of the blurry photo (trying out my phone camera...need to work on that), that one was courtesy of primark too, it was a pair of shades with a moustache already attached! it was £4 but they gave it to me for 50p as one of the lenses was missing which was rather ace as i was just going to knock out the other one anyway : )
two more frames to add moustaches to. yay!
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