this blog is essentially an online diary of my little creative projects - if you can't fix it, throw some glitter over it and add a lacy edge and everything will be alright.

Friday, 11 May 2012

tiny make up bag sewing kit

oooooh i don't think my 101 things will take quite so long as 1001 days...thing number two - i've made myself a little sewing kit to have in my make up bag in case of emergencies:

i'll confess i copied the pattern from a wedding favour you can buy on etsy - lovely idea though it is i'm pretty sure i'd never spend that much on wedding favours....anyways, i had some felt left over from a christmas project, sewing bits i cannibalised from previous, now incomplete travel sewing kits, some card and some pretty papers i was given as a gift. 10 minutes of cutting, sewing and glueing later and voilà  - a sewing kit.


  1. thank you! : ) i've never wanted something to break so that i could mend it before...hehe xxx
